Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Visa Lowers Swipe Fees in Europe But Stiffs US Merchants & Consumers

Billions of dollars are paid each year in swipe fees, and merchants accepting credit cards and paying the fees are not the only victims. We all cover the cost of credit card fees in the form of higher prices. There’s no competition in the U.S. swipe fees market, and all banks agree to charge the same amounts dictated by credit card companies. Nobody is stopping Visa or MasterCard from this price-fixing, which results in fees that are outrageously and unjustifiably high.

Now we learn that Visa Europe has proposed lowering swipe fees in Europe by 40% to 60%. This significant reduction would bring Visa’s fees down to only 0.3 percent of every purchase and would be very beneficial to European merchants and consumers.

So, why should U.S. merchants and consumers pay up to 4 percent of a purchase to swipe credit cards? What's different from U.S. purchases and Europe purchases?


Fees in U.S are eight times higher than existing European rates. Americans pay the highest fees in the world but while other countries took measures to limit the fees, in U.S. a credit card swipe fee reform is still desperately needed.

In the latest press release by the Merchants Payments Coalition, Dough Kantor, group’s counsel, says:
“European regulators are holding Visa’s feet to the fire for their outrageous swipe fees – even though the fees in Europe are a tiny fraction of what they are in the United States. There is no reason for rates to be as high as they are. This should be a wake-up call that credit card swipe fee reform is long overdue here.”
You can read the entire release here.

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